Category: JJ骑行干货 Simple Cycling Tips

  • 自行车调节 Dirty Bike Fit!

    自行车调节 Dirty Bike Fit!

    Borrowing or renting a bike? A quick and dirty method to get a simple fit. A. Get your cycling kit on (or whatever you will be riding the bike with). Especially the shoes. (not sure what shoes or peddles see this). B. Find a wall or fence that you can hold on with one hand…

  • 初学者的鞋子建议 Dirty Shoe Advice for Beginners.

    初学者的鞋子建议 Dirty Shoe Advice for Beginners.

    A quick note on shoes for the Dirty Challenge (and bike touring / exploring in general). If you like your cycling get yourself a pair of Mountain bike shoes and peddles. They are the best beginner option for cycling shoes, will give you more power and are safer than normal shoes. They are great for…

  • SCG 周末探骑Tanqi Weekend

    SCG 周末探骑Tanqi Weekend

    上海女子骑行团在野趣乡居的探骑周,学习了下坡和爬坡技巧,度过了一个收获满满的周末。A productive learning weekend for some of the ladies from the Shanghai Cycling Girls group @wildhomestay learning some descending and climbing skills. 室内课堂 Indoor Classes 户外练习 Outdoor Classes 有趣的社交 Fun & Social 骑行后的恢复(感谢tc的专业拉伸指导)Post Ride Recovery (many thanks to tc for the professional stretching) 受伤管理(感谢tc的专业指导)Injury Management (many thanks to tc for the professional introduction) 社交骑 Social…