博客 | 工程合规性 Engineered compliance

拿到新的 Roubaix 并在所有类型的路面上做过了试骑,恰巧在车棚里也有 Crux 和 Diverge,我想这时候来给大家做个比较是合适的。

鲁贝 VS C&D


+ 全天/月 长距离舒适

+ 灵活的座杆:) 几天来坐骨区域和屁股的瘀伤消失了,与我的3D 打印坐垫相结合后……它确实更适合一整天或者多天的长距离骑行,体验更好,它还可以让你在崎岖不平的路面上减轻疲劳,因为你可以通过更平顺的踏板动作保持更长时间的坐姿。 减少背痛。 没有像我的旧 Crane Creek 曲柄那样会明显的上下摆动。

+ 前方缓震Future shock 3,起初并没有真正注意到它,但最终非常欣赏它。 骑下来脖子酸痛、手腕和手麻木的情况明显减少了很多。感觉都不需要手套了。 它也非常适合搭配 TT 手把。

+ 宽的胎容量。 最多到 40 cm。 非常适合公路自行车。

+ 传动装置。 不确定我有什么(SRAM Force 2by),但它很棒。 有我需要的所有顶部和底部加上 TT 把末端的装置。 只希望它是可靠的……

+ 大量安装点:是有上管、下管及下侧 3 个水壶支架安装点的公路自行车。

– 砾石轮胎宽度。 希望更快的40厘米宽的砾石轮胎和粗胎能够问世。 在此之前,我们一直使用 38 号轮胎,因为大多数好的砾石轮胎都是 42 号轮胎,这有点太紧了。 我们不要忘记它是一辆公路自行车。

-/+ 车把高度。 前叉和车把高度很高,这对于空气动力增益来说不是很好,但对于舒适度有好处,适合全天在空气动力车把上骑行。他们有一个较低的垫片,一旦我在即将到来的骑游结束后,我会取下我的 TT 把,他们可能会改变。但整体的气动优势相较之前是有所提升的。车界的奥迪Quattro Turbo。

Crux Vs R&D


+ 敏捷的响应操控,一辆“会跳舞的”自行车

+ 轻量级

+ 宽的胎容量

+ 外观,简洁大方

– 零安装锚点

这是我会选择的一辆自行车,用来参加 Unbound 比赛或我的所有旅行。 一辆四驱莲花,并不是说有这样的东西。 它的前叉很容易于取下来,因此是我的可折叠旅行自行车。 需要一些新的手把,因为当前的手把确实不适合难走的路况。

Diverge 与 R&C


+ 牢固的

+ 宽的胎容量



+ 1by 适合短的大幅度的起伏路况

– 稍微有点重

– 高一点

这是我会选择的一辆自行车来参加The Rift比赛或去进行充满未知探险的旅行。 车界的路虎揽胜……


我将 Roubaix SL8 描述为工程合规性(front and rear socks) ,而不是 Crux 传统的合规性(大轮胎和车架结构)。 更多的路况,我会购买鲁贝,更多以十字路口和砾石为中心的一切,我会购买Crux。 如果只能选一辆,那么由于胎容量,我会选Crux,但我想我会在鲁贝上骑的更多。拭目以待接下来的演变吧。

Getting the new Roubaix and riding it on all types of stuff and being in the fortunate position of also having the Crux and Diverge in the bike shed I thought it would be appropriate to write a mini comparison.

Roubaix Vs C&D

It guess it will become my go-to fast adventure touring bike, road, and fine gravel bike.

+ All day / month comfort 

+ Flexible seat post 🙂 Days of bruised sit bone area and ass is gone. Combine with 3D printed saddle….. Really makes for a nicer long day and multi-day experience. Also makes you less tired on the rough stuff as you can stay seated for longer with a smoother peddle action. Less back pain. No noticeable bobbing up and down like my old Crane Creek suspension post. 

+ Future shock 3, don’t really notice it but highly appreciate it at the end of the day. Much less sore neck, numb wrists and hands. No need for gloves. Great with TT bars. 

+ Tire Clearance. Takes up to 40s. Great for a road bike.

+ Gearing. Not sure what i have (SRAM Force 2by) but it’s great. All the top and bottom end I need plus blips on the TT bar ends. Just hope it’s reliable…..

+ Lots mounting points: great for a road bike with a top tube and 3 bottle option on the underside of downtube.

– Gravel Tire Widths. Hope a faster 40cm width gravel and chunky tire will come out. Until then stuck with 38’s as most good gravel tires are 42s which are a bit too tight. Let’s not forget its a road bike.

-/+ Bar height. Front stack and bar height is high which is not great for aero gains but good for comfort and fine for all day riding on aero bars. They have a lower spacer and will probably change to that once i take my TT bars off after this upcoming tour. A Audi Quattro Turbo Rally bike of a car.

Crux Vs R&D

My go-to travel bike due to its packability and do all nature.

+ Nimble responsive handling, a dancing bike

+ Lightweight

+ Tire clearance 

+ Looks, simple elegance 

– Zero mounting point

A bike i would choose to race Unbound on or take on all my travels. A 4WD Lotus, not that there is such a thing. Easy to take forks off and thus my packable travel bike. Need some new bars as the current ones really are not suitable for the rough stuff. 

Diverge Vs R&C

My go-to serious off road adventure and chunky gravel bike. 

+ Solid

+ Tire clearance

+ Lots of bolt on points for bags and mud guards

+ Internal down tube storage

+ 1by good for the short sharp ups and down

– A little heavier

– A little higher 

A bike i would choose to race The Rift with or adventure fully loaded into the unknown. A Range Rover…..


The Roubaix SL8 I would describe as Engineered Compliance (front and rear socks) as opposed to the Crux Traditional Compliance (big tires and frame makeup). More road, I would buy the Roubaix, more everything the Crux and gravel centric the Diverge. If only one then I would get the Crux due to tire clearance but I guess I’ll get more km in on the Roubaix. Will be interesting to see how these evolve.




