KKH Karakorum Highway

Kashgar to Islamabad by bicycle (a bit in bus where we have to) over the highest international pass in the world @4700m (Friendship Pass). Check out this post for more info on the highway..

Completed at the end of April / beginning of May 2024. About 1200km 20,000m. A few big hills.

200 Chinese and 1000 plus Pakistanis died building the road and probably the same amount die each each traveling on it! Its somewhat dangerous but has some of the most stunning scenery anywhere.

A German, A Irishman & A American Brit – all old mates from Shanghai where we live, decided it was about time to go on our yearly adventure and this is one part of the world we’ve always wanted to visit.

Many thanks to Specialized for the Bikes, Lululemon my off bike and cold weather gear, Coros for navigation and many other of the kind companies who lend us their equipment to test and play with. Also thanks to Zhu, Qing and others who help gather info and support us. We could not do the adventure without them.



KKH Equipment

KKH Equipment

Roubaix Bikes: perfect for this type of thing. I would say the Roubaix is the perfect touring bike due to …
KKH Alternative Routes

KKH Alternative Routes

More places to explore! I think we touched the surface in places to ride in the area and will try …
KKH4 Small hills

KKH4 Small hills

Day 10: To Murree Hills A very nice day with a shortish but hilly climb up to the Murree Hill …
KKH3 Bandit Lands

KKH3 Bandit Lands

Day 7: Normal to Chillas. We left the security of Hunza and cycled south getting our first security detail. For …
KKH2 Hunza Valley

KKH2 Hunza Valley

The place to explore! Amazing scenery and people. I hope to be back. Day 5: back up the border – …
KKH1 Kashgar & China Side

KKH1 Kashgar & China Side

I decided to turn up a little early and check out Kashgar. Stayed in the old town. A touch OTT …
Lots of planning

Lots of planning

Been busy planning for this trip! A bit worried about cold weather at the end of April at 4000+ meters! …


Go to RWGPS to see a collection of the routes / GPX files. Alternatively download a Zip file of the GPX’s

The rough route with some notes.