我们希望人们体验骑自行车游览中国偏远地区的兴趣和乐趣。 按照您自己的节奏和速度,穿越美丽的风景,与当地文化互动,在享受快乐的同时变得更健康、更强壮! We want people to experience the interest, fun and excitement of visiting China’s remote and wild places with a bike. Travel and explore at your own pace, at human speed, through interesting landscapes, interacting with local cultures while getting fitter and stronger and having some fun at the same time!.

Challenge Yourself

骑自行车探索中国是挑战自己的好方法! 从加入我们的“休闲Dirty周末挑战”开始,来野趣乡居学习探险骑行的基础知识🙂然后慢慢积累信心和技能,尝试我们周边的一些路线或更简单的路线,比如徽州的“丝绸之路”。然后可以去云南,新疆或者更偏远的地方探索一些更刺激的东西。Exploring China by bike is a great way to challenge yourself! Start small and learn the basics at the homestay on one of our Chilled Dirty Weekend Challenges 🙂 Then slowly gain confidence and skills and try a local route around our area or a more simple route like the Huizhou Merchant Trail. Then build up to some more adventurous stuff in Yunnan, Xingjiang and the more remote places.
Explore China! Best by Bike 骑行中探索中国!!
探骑是Specialized 闪电中国和野趣乡居Wildhomestay共同创立的非营利性的一个项目,旨在支持和促进中国的探险骑行运动。下面是一个关于在野趣乡居周边探险骑行的视频介绍!可以在youtube上同步观看到。 Tanqi is a non-profit partnership between Specialized China and Wildhomestay to support and empower adventure cycling in China. A video introduction to adventure biking around the Wildhomestay Area!. Also, see on youtube.

Experience Great Bikes
参加探骑周末活动。 非常适合新骑手或那些想在山路建立更多的技能。 周末价格在1200元左右,包括住宿、自行车、活动和食物!物超所值! 查看我们详细的周末行程。 对于经验更丰富或更独立的骑手,可以租一辆多功能自行车。
来安徽的野趣乡居民宿骑上一辆很棒的探险自行车开始你的探险骑行之旅吧!民宿可以租到闪电的Diverge,电助力和山地自行车,也会定期组织骑行技巧培训系列相关活动!Visit Wildhomestay in Anhui to experience some great adventure riding on great adventure bikes! Rent one of the Specialized Diverge, e-bikes or flat bar bikes or join one of the Tanqi learning cycling weekends.